While I was learning Hebrew with Duolingo, I came across a multitude of phrases that made me think, delighted me, or posed certain challenges. I decided to gather them all and share them with you. Perhaps this will be interesting to those who are also studying this language, or simply love to learn something new.
- יש להם פחות דבש מהדובים
They have less honey than the bears - לילד יש תפוח, אבל לי אין
The boy has an apple, but I don’t - הכלב שלה כזה גדול
Her dog is this big - היא קוראת את אותם העיתונים כל בוקר
She reads the same newspapers every morning - איף אוכלים פיל
How do you eat an elephant? - הילדים אוכלים את שניהם
The boys eat both of them - הוא אומר דבר אחד ועושה דבר אחר
He says one thing and does something else - כולם עוזבים חוץ ממנו
Everyone is leaving except for him. - חולצותיו של הגבר יבשות
The man’s male shirts are dry - ילדינו (yeladeinu; our sons) / ילדנו (yaldenu; our son)
- אהבה משנָה את איך שאתה חושב
Love changes how you think - האיכר ממלא את הדרך בפרות
The farmer fills the road with cows - התלמידים ממלאים את התשובות
The students fill in the answers - אתה חושב על אתמול, אבל אני חושב על מחר
You think about yesterday, but I think about tomorrow - בימי שישי אני קוראת ספר חדש
On Fridays I read a new book
This article is constantly updated… 🙂
So now you’re in the know: bears indeed have more honey, reading newspapers daily is a real habit, and sometimes even farmers can fill the road with cows. Learning Hebrew is not just about mastering new grammar, but also delving into a world of amusing and intriguing expressions. I hope you’ve gotten a taste of this wonderful language through my favorite phrases. And if someone ever decides to tell you how to eat an elephant, now you know how to say it in Hebrew!